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Life, Love, Laughter - Celebrating Your Existence
Life, Love, Laughter - Celebrating Your Existence
Author : Osho
Publisher : NA
Language : English
ISBN No. :
Availability : Available
No Of Pages : 166
In this collection of reflections, Osho’s inspiring and loving stories go far beyond the usual chicken-soup fare.Life, Love, Laughter establishes a new genre of reflective and inspirational text stripped of all platitudes and clichés, and absolutely in tune with the realities of the 21st century. In this artful work, Osho mixes entertainment and inspiration, ancient Zen stories and contemporary jokes to help us to find love, laughter, and ultimately, happiness.

Life, Love, Laughter includes an original talk by Osho on DVD. This visual component enables the reader to experience the direct wisdom and humor of Osho straight from the source.
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