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Awakening The Mind,Lightening The Heart
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Author Dalai Lama
We can achieve enlightenment only through the practice of meditation; without it there is noway we can transform our minds." - His Holiness the Dalai Lama With extraordinary grace and insight the dalai Lama shows how Tibetan Buddhist teaching on compassi Read More...
Same Soul, Many Bodies
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Author Dr Brian Weiss
Same Soul Many Bodies is a book on religion and spirituality by American psychiatrist and writer Dr. Brian L. Weiss where he discusses how a person’s future life can actually transform the present one. Summary Of The Book This book mainly talks about how a person’s afterlife can play a conside... Read More...
Practicing The Power Of Now
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Author Eckhart Tolle
Practicing the Power of Now: Essential Teachings, Meditations and Exercises From the Power of Now is one of the most popular books in the genre of spirituality. This book has been written with the intention of transporting the reader to a world of devotion and calm, where the material world sounds i... Read More...
Dialogue With Death
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Author Ekanath Easwaran
The most profound questions of life and death are taken up in a commentary on the Katha Upanishad, in which a daring teenager, Nachiketa, seeks out the King of Death for his teacher. Read More...
The Buddhic Essence - Ten Stages To Becoming A Buddha
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Author Elizabeth Clare Prophet
In The Buddhic Essence: Ten Stages to Becoming a Buddha, author Elizabeth Clare Prophet gently traces the pathway that leads to Buddhahood. She does so in such a way that we can personally relate to the different stages and also see within them steps that we can accomplish in the course of our daily... Read More...
The Artist's Way
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Author Julia Cameron
The Artist's Way is the seminal book on the subject of creativity. An international bestseller, millions of readers have found it to be an invaluable guide to living the artist's life. Still as vital today-or perhaps even more so-than it was when it was first published one decade ago, it is a powerf... Read More...
Truth Is God
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Author M K Gandhi
Death The Greatest Fiction
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Author Osho
It is an abolutely certain fact that people die, animals die, trees die, birds die. How can you avoid the fact that you are also going to die? It is the only question of time.Is Death an illision Read More...
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Author Rabindranath Tagore
All the great utterances of man have to be judged not by the letter but by the spirit--the spirit which unfolds itself with the growth of life in history. We get to know the real meaning of Christianity by observing its living aspect at the present moment--however different that may be, even in impo... Read More...
Peace and Harmony in Daily Living
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Author Ramesh S Balsekar
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