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Dhirubhai Ambani - Against All Odds
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Author A G Krishnamurthy
Dhirubhai and Reliance's success have been so phenomenal that most people are unable to see beyond he glitter of their wealth. Dhirubhai's success was by no means a walk in the park. He had to fight long and hard for it. And that is what is so inspiring about his life and success. It gives us the co... Read More...
Immediate Action
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Author Andy Mcnab
He is one of the most highly decorated soldiers alive. He is also the first to break the code of silence about the most elite fighting force in the world. What Andy McNab has to say is so explosive that the British government tried to stop him. A street fighter, a hard case, and a flawless soldier... Read More...
David Copperfield
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Author Charles Dickens
Hugely admired by Tolstoy, David Copperfield is the novel that draws most closely from Charles Dickens's own life. Its eponymous hero, orphaned as a boy, grows up to discover love and happiness, heartbreak and sorrow amid a cast of eccentrics, innocents, and villains. Praising Dickens's power of inv... Read More...
My Spiritual Autobiography
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Author Dalai Lama
This book is a first. There has never been one entirely dedicated to the spiritual life of the Dalai Lama. Yet as one of the world’s most recognised, and respected, spiritual leaders there will clearly be great interest in such a work from His Holiness’ thousands of friends and followers around the ... Read More...
A Child Called 'It'
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Author Dave Pelzer
A harrowing, yet inspiring true story of a young boy's abusive childhood, from internationally bestselling author Dave Pelzer Read More...
S. Ramanujan: The Mathematical Genius
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Author Dilip M Salwi
All that mattered to him was the magic and mystery of numbers. The world of numbers was the sole reality for S.Ramanujan, Indias most famous mathematician of the twentieth century. Born in a poor family of Tamil Nadu, Ramanujan was a child prodigy but it took years of struggle for him to gain recogn... Read More...
Gandhi The Man
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Author Eknath Easwaran
In 1892 Monads Gandhi left India for South Africa at the age of 23 - a shy, tounge-tied, average little man whose past was full of failure. Ten years later, called a saint even by those who opposed him, he was the leader of 100,000 people in one of the most remarkable experiments in history: "saty... Read More...
Eat Pray Love
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Author Elizabeth Gilbert
A celebrated writers irresistible, candid, and eloquent account of her pursuit of worldly pleasure, spiritual devotion, and what she really wanted out of life Around the time Elizabeth Gilbert turned thirty, she went through an early-onslaught midlife crisis. She had everything an educated, ambiti... Read More...
The Outsider
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Author Frederick Forsyth
Business Maharajas
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Author Gita Piramal
The golden age of Indian industry, as it now seems in retrospect, lasted from 1951 to62, and industrialists of the time were not afraid to think ahead and plan big. Among the entrepreneurs who led this industrial resurgence, four were particularly outstanding: G.D.Birla, Walchand Hirachand, Kasturbh... Read More...
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