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Forge Your Future
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Author A. P. J. Abdul Kalam
In the last fifteen years, Dr. Kalam has interacted with more than 16 million youth - personally, through emails and over Facebook. He receives hundreds of emails every day and answers them with utmost patience. This book is based on the questions that he has been asked over the years. In these ques... Read More...
Dharma: Decoding the Epics for a Meaningful Life
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Author Amish Tripathi
Stories can be both entertaining and educative. They can also be insightful and illuminating, especially when they have travelled down the generations, through the centuries, taking on and eliding new meanings with each retelling. In this genre-bending book, the first of a series, Amish and Bhavna d... Read More...
Unlimited Power
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Author Anthony Robbins
Anthony Robbins, whose seminars of transforming power have made him an international celebrity on network television and in magazines and newspapers, shows readers how to achieve super success in all areas of their personal and professional lives. "A must for anyone committed to personal excellence"... Read More...
Count Your Chickens Before They Hatch
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Author Arindam Chaudhuri
Count Your Chickens Before They Hatch is a book for all individuals who want to achieve super success in life. Authored by noted economist and management guru Prof. Arindam Chaudhuri, the book is about counting your chickens of success before they hatch.....The author strongly believes that successf... Read More...
The Valmiki Syndrome : Finding The Work–Life Balance
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Author Ashok K Banker
From the best-selling author of the Ramayana Series comes a book that can change your life. Maxing our career is our ‘dharma’ in this age of Kali. But at what cost? Working parents don’t see enough of their children, couples barely spend time with each other, young men and women become strangers ... Read More...
13 Steps to Bloody Good Wealth
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Author Ashwin Sanghi
In this second book in the 13 Steps series, bestselling author Ashwin Sanghi and co-author Sunil Dalal explore how one can become wealthy even if one is not blessed with the proverbial silver spoon. Taking a radically fresh view of wealth, they show that the journey to becoming wealthy is difficu... Read More...
You Can ! People Skills For Life
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Author Barbara & Allan Pease
The desire to be recognised, to feel important and appreciated s all-powerful. And the more important you make someone feel, the more positively they will respond to you. We all admire those who seem to have the natural ability to enter an unfamiliar social situation and begin to engage others in... Read More...
The Gift Of Self-Confidence
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Author Brian Tracy
Self-confidence is the foundation of all great success and achievement. Average people have wishes and hopes. Confident people have goals and plans. Disseminating these concepts The Gift of Self-Confidence helps you shed those insecurities that prevent achievement, success and happiness. Brian Tracy... Read More...
The 5 Essential People Skills - How To Assert Yourself, Listen To Others And Resolve Conflicts
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Author Dale Carnegie
PUT THESE FIVE ESSENTIAL SKILLS TO WORK AND BEGIN YOUR TRANSFORMATION! Have you ever walked away from a conversation full of doubts and insecurities? Do you feel as if you've lost a little ground after every staff meeting? Most of us are either too passive or too aggressive in our business life, and... Read More...
Getting Things Done
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Author David Allen
Is your workload overwhelming? Does it just keep mounting up while your stress levels reach fever pitch? In Getting Things Done David Allen teaches you how to keep a clear head, relax and organise your thoughts while implementing the methods that he has introduced at organisations like Microsoft, Lo... Read More...
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